Wednesday, February 4, 2009

don't know what to do

i'm not blind but i can't see..
what i'm supposed to do?

which way?
show me the way..

when i follow my heart..

as i know..
i love you and love you too X(

..who is that girl I see?
when will my reflection show
who I am inside?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. a billion sorry.. :(
    as you said, you're not a leader or a follower..
    and so i am..
    we can walk in the same way equally..
    how bout that?
    give me one more chance..
    one big truth

  3. memang tidak pernah cukup waktu untuk mengenal diri sendiri. tapi itulah. jika kita benar-benar tau siapa diri kita? apalagi yang kita cari di duniaa? :)

    respect yourself. don't let anyone push you into something that's not you :D
